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  • Writer's pictureAttila Gursel

Some Statistics About Foreign Investments in Albania

Foreign direct investment flows

According to data from the Bank of Albania, the flow indicator for 2022 points to a value of 1372 million Euros, indicating a record figure in the flow of foreign direct investment in the country. It has an increase of 337 million euros, or 32.5%, compared to 2021 when the flow was 1035 million euros.

The Netherlands, which dominated foreign investments in the country in 2022, contributed approximately 16% to the total flow, followed by Italy with 10%, Germany with 6.6%, Austria with 6% and Kosovo with 4.6%.

The primary source of FDI inflows in terms of flows for 2022 was the Real Estate Activities sector, representing approximately 21.2% of total flows.

Other economic sectors with high contribution margins are the Mining Industry sector at 19.5%, Electricity, gas, and water supply at 12.7%, Finance and insurance activities at 11.5% and the Processing Industry sector at 10.6%.

Foreign direct investment stock

At the end of 2022, the stock indicator reached a record figure in the foreign direct investment stock in the country with 11 billion 339 million Euros. Compared to 2021, when the stock was 9 billion 544 million Euros, it recorded an increase of 1 billion 795 million Euros, in other words, 18.8%.

Foreign Direct Investment Stock

The country dominated by foreign investments in 2022 is observed by Switzerland, which contributes approximately 16.6 percent to the total stock, followed by the Netherlands with 16.4 percent, Canada with 12.7 percent, Italy with 10.6 percent, and Turkey with 7.4 percent.

The main source of foreign direct investment inflows on a stock basis for 2022 was the electricity, gas, and air conditioning suppliers, representing 26.5% of the total stock.

Other economic sectors with high contribution margins are the Mining Industry sector at 15.3%, Finance, and Insurance Activities at 12%, Information and Communication at 10.6% and Real Estate Activities at 10%.

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